For a free quote, please send us your information using the form below.
Translation Level | Lite | Business | Expert |
Level Explanation and services offered | You will be served by one translator trained to perform translation duties in various capacities such as Manga Translation, website, menu, pamphlets, flyers and signage for example. | You will be served by one translator and one native speaker to review and refine the final product. Translators found at this level have accomplished a significant number of completed missions. |
You will be served by a translator and two separate native speakers to review and refine your project to the highest standards. Translators at this level have superior command of the skills required for translation including mastery of both working languages and their cultural context, and wide-ranging expertise in specialized fields. |
Business Documents | × | 〇 | 〇 |
Books, Magazines | △ | 〇 | 〇 |
Conference handouts | × | △ | 〇 |
Merchandise, labels | × | 〇 | △ |
Contracts | × | × | 〇 |
Ads, Signage | 〇 | △ | × |
Translation Service Workflow
For a free quote, please send us your information using the form below.
For any inquiry regarding translation or interpretation services, please contact us via